Brysons Blog Entry#2 Building a computer is hard, but fun!
When i first got into building computers i never realized how hard it actually is, but at the same time its very straight forward! Let me start this off by saying I'm no expert when it come to computers. I know more than the average person but not everything. Around the age of 16 i got my first job at this pizza restaurant by my house call Grimaldi's Pizzeria. This is the place i earned my first check from any job ever i was ecstatic! The first thing on my mind when i got that check was "I want to build a computer". Before buying parts for this computer i was inevitably gonna build i did my research. I looked up the approximate price for the machine. I looked into pre-built computers, and i looked into videos that gave pros and cons to building your own. The average price you are looking at when it comes to building a good computer is around $800- $1200 for a beginner computer. This price varies on part brands and what y...