Brysons Blog Entry#0 Practice
Hello everyone my name is Bryson Estes-Roush but my friends like to call me Goob and B-Dog don't ask why I don't know😂. My interests consist of learning and mastering as many things as I can so I can pass my knowledge onto my future kids.
A few of my other hobbies consist of snowboarding when the season comes. I usually snowboard up in snowbowl flagstaff but unfortunately the last time i went i broke my collar bone. One of my most expensive hobbies i do is 3D print random things like busts of my favorite heros and random tools. I love playing videogames with my friends. The games i play most as of right now are Splitgate and For Honor.
I have a lot to accomplish in life still but my short term goal is to pass college and get my degree in Cyber Security. My Mid-term goal is to keep getting raises and moving up in the company I'm working for, and my long term goal is to reach a point in life where im financially free and can travel the word and build a house for my family. I don't have much that makes me unique other than the fact that i have ADHD but that isn't really a unique characteristic so when people ask me what makes me unique i just say i can solve a rubiks cube in under a minute.
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